Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Time to Talk

Today is National Time to Talk Day.

"Time to talk about what?" you may ask.

Time to talk about mental health. To challenge stigma and misinformation, raise awareness and create an environment in which we all feel comfortable discussing how we're feeling - with family, friends, colleagues and others.

Here in Liverpool we've been involved in various activities throughout the day and one of the most successful has been some 'pop-up drama' in the city centre. It attracted crowds and, yes, got people talking!

Nationally, it's estimated that one in four of us will be affected by some sort of mental health problem in any year. In Liverpool, figures suggest that one in three GP appointments relates to mental health. Despite this, it's still hard for a lot of us to admit that we're not feeling great or could do with some support. Stigma and discrimination is still rife but positive changes are happening and days like today can only be a good thing.

So, keep talking!

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