Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Blow a

Purée for the boys to either go with their porridge in the morning or maybe with the rice pudding they are going to have for tea which ever it's a new taste for them.

Weaning is going well, introducing a third meal today as I think our little tummies are used to food now. I've stocked up the freezer with sweet potato purée and broccoli and cauliflower purée as well as the jars and pouches I've amassed when they've been on offer and with my vouchers (it's easier with two)

Our appetites are back finally bottles are being finished still no sign of use dropping a day time feed (4 in total) but one will go when they are ready. We haven't gone back to sleeping all night since our last growth spurt but we are back to just one wake up sadly it's at 4 am :-(
But a least we have for back on our day time schedule it makes the day so much easier. Think I might take advantage of nap time and do some shopping

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