A B/W Cake

SweetArt was busily working away today finishing off this small wedding cake. It's red velvet with buttercream icing covered in fondant and stenciled with black royal icing for the damask.

Its the court wedding of a friend's daughter and her dress is white with some black lace and her bouquet I think will have purple and yellow flowers, hence the purple anemones, for them to place as they see fit.

I had a bit of a disaster with the damask to begin with as the icing 'bled', and black on white is not good, but it was 'good' enough to place round the back, so I turned the cake and made the good side face forwards. Thankfully most people are really impressed with the damask and don't care if its not perfect, BUT I DO! So I really need to get this skill down to a fine T.

Other events, went to a new friend's baby shower which was very lovely and very pink. No prizes for guessing what she's having. It was very girly and I was drooling over the little cute girly clothes emerging from each gift bag. I hope I have nice daughters-in-law to make up for the daughters I never had :(

The suns out again, just enjoy it while it lasts Sandy, I keep saying to myself.

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