Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

5th February 2014

Todays picture to take was square. Had a few options but ended up choosing the squares on our cushions.

Had a lovely lunch with friends at the local Thai restaurant. It's lovely being able to take one of our friends out and to boost her confidence. She's on her second lot of chemo and has now shaved her head as the hair was falling out in bigger clumps. She wears a scarf but of course she still feels that everyone is looking at her. So the more she goes out, the more she'll feel comfortable in her own skin again. She still has the same sense of humour and the laughter seems to be helping her. So if it means more lunches and dinners, then so be it!!

Had an evening watching Punt and Dennis, very funny as always. So overall, a day filled with laughter.

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