
By conventgirl

Hyacinth 2

This hyacinth has now come into full bloom. The scent is so strong that I can smell it throughout the house.

At our monthly lunch on Monday we were talking about the fact that 2 of the girls were having new kitchens fitted at the moment. When I got home I had a look round my kitchen and decided that it was looking pretty shabby. My first thought was just to replace the unit doors but when I measured what was there I found that quite a few of them were not standard size. So that leaves me with having to replace units and probably having a proper fitter do the work (I was hoping Mr CG was up for a challenge!) Problem is......the cost! I will get some quotes in but I have a feeling I will end up living with what I have got.

The difference between me and the other 2 is that they love their kitchens and spend a lot of time in them but for me it is just a room that I have to go in for 1/2 an hour a day to cook dinner! I once saw a fridge magnet that said 'I only have a kitchen because it came with the house' and that sums my thoughts up perfectly

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