Something, somewhere

I once told someone off on here for criticising their own photo because I quite liked it and they'd said it was rubbish but I really have no idea what's going on here. It looked fine when I pressed the shutter and the wee square had gone green and it had beeped its in-focus beep. Maybe I should have stopped walking even though I was in danger of missing the train. Anyway, it's the only shutter that clicked today so there we are. I'm sure there's something in focus. I just don't know what.

At least it's Wednesday and my first day at work this week is over. I'm knackered. It was probably a mistake to go in. But it's that problem of feeling well enough to go to work but probably not well well. Still, it's done now and at least I had the sense to not cycle and the day of public transport wasn't totally shit even though it did cost £13.20. Wouldn't want to do that every day. I'd be cheaper driving. If I had somewhere to park which I don't. And if I had another car, which I don't.

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