Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Atlantic breakers

Porto, Portugal......
As part of the school's Comenius project, my colleague Andrew and I arrived yesterday, with 3 pupils, in Portugal at the start of a week long meeting. We will be meeting with our counterparts from Spain, Turkey, Latvia, Greece, Finland and Poland to share our ideas and presentations on our project about the 4 Natural Elements.
It was a great start, to have our lunch in a cafè this close to the sea. Last year, there was a huge storm here, which took out part of the walls of the cafè, and some of the waves were named "crazy waves in Porto" in YouTube. However, more impressive to me were the still photos taken on the day. It is astonishing how people can stand and try to fish with these waves crashing over them.
Andrew pointed out that we are sheltered from these waves by the Hebrides.
We could have watched these all day.

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