
Hello everybody!
It is raining here. Summer is finished hehe!It was an awful day. After the lovely sunny weekend we had it is incredible how it changed! It is like we are going from heaven to hell. Doesn't matter I am smiling, my fruit and vegetables are smiling everybody is smiling! Like we say in Spain " a bad weather good face "!!
Thanks a lot for the lovely comments and stars of my reflections. Like always you are so kind.
I went to the art class today and took the camera with me to take some nice pictures around the countryside in Newmarket but it was raining cats and dogs and rabbits etc. I went to direct home and instead I was experimenting with my toy Nikon at home.
I posted this colourful picture with stuff I find in my kitchen to put another smile in your face. Hope these little smiling faces catch your eye.
Hope it is working ! hehe!! Tomorrow maybe the sunshine again !
Have a nice day!

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