
By Wanderers13

House for sale

Made from a hollow tree, suitable for two blue tits wishing to live on the Isle of Mull

The above starter home is complete with a new floor and roof and very clean inside. It comes complete with perch and any adaptations required to fit potential client can be made.

Client number one: a dapper looking Great Tit. He had a good look all over - including the roof - but didn't try out the entrance. Just as well, browsing perhaps.

Client number two: a blue tit who was interested. Very interested, looking underneath, over the roof, the back, up onto the gutter and onto the perch. So far so good. However...... He found a problem. Try as he might he couldn't fit through the entrance and he did try. Sadly it was a no go and off he went.
Let's hope he isn't writing a review for the Homes and Garden.

Fortunately, as promised, any adaptations will be made and the entrance is now a little bigger, not too much, and the bird house maker is waiting for Mr and Mrs blue tit to come back for a second look.

So house for sale....

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