
By Kiteseeker

Muddy shoes

After Pilates coffee and lunch headed out for a run with Jet our black Labrador. Tried to get some action shots of him but he was not playing fair! He loves being outside but does not like his owner stopping and starting trying to take photographs.

After crossing a felled area, which is part of the Pickering flood defences currently being undertaken by the Environment Agency, noticed my legs were feeling rather heavy? This could be explained by the large quantity of earth that had adhered itself to my trainers. The dog had not fared much better with a muddy tide mark inching its way up his body. At least a quick swim in the river could rectify his problem. I quickly rejected this as a solution for muddy shoes and opted for knocking some off on a branch before heading for home.

As we scaled the castle moat I was accosted by a policeman. Why is it you feel uncomfortable even when you have not done anything? He wanted to know if I had seen a young man in the woods. As it was now lashing down with rain he was wisely cutting down on the options of where to look.

I now am intrigued as to why they were looking for him.

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