
By Julesey

Happy Days

Full on day examining wannabe GP's today. Such an interesting thing to do. At 8 am the examiners meet with the actors and rehearse the case to make sure each actor says exactly the same things and is the same level of difficulty. Each examiner has one case per day and sees 26 candidates. The actors cross over at lunch time to be with a different examiner to further ensure the actors are standardised. It is amazing how good they are at this. It is a mentally knackering day but I have to confess to loving it. Finished at 5 pm and by 5,15 was in the Quaker Friend Cafe having a coffee with my friend Miranda who I met on Facebook as our daughters go to the same Uni and we sort of hit it off! By 6.30 I was on the way to the Young Vic to see the wonderful Juliet Stevenson in the Beckett play Happy Days with one of the other examiners. It is an astonishing play, mad so real by Juliet Stevenson's performance. Im not sure I would have understood it in my twenties. Having been too busy to blip as I was on the escalator on the way back to the college I realised that I had my happy snappy camera in my handbag so a blipportunity was taken. Nice to have a reminder of such a great day.

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