Coach Michael

My JV and assistant varsity coach, Michael. I have come to enjoy watching him on the sidelines during games, especially his vigorous antics with the officials and the girls. Last night at Elkton was no exception. Michael was intensely coaching his team, when suddenly came whistling from his bench, like one of his players was whistling. Michael turned and looked at his bench players and said, "Who's whistling?" "WHO'S WHISTLING!!!???" he repeated. No response. And then…a short reply from the stands, a 10 year old bystander: "I'm whistling," this young kid said. Michael looked at him and said, "Are you a spectator?" And the kid nodded, wild eyed and a bit freaked out. "Ok," said Michael, "you can whistle if you're a spectator.

He's sometimes a bit curmudgeonly but the girls love him. Coach Michael.

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