Grange Over Sands

After a fairly productive couple of hours on the nursery this morning Helen and I set off to do a little more coastal tour.Heysham around to Grange Over Sands.The first real stop was Morecambe.This was a pleasant surprise.Last time we visited Morecambe it was shut.This time it was full of people on a bright but bitterly cold day and we had a bracing walk along the front with magnificent views of the Lake District.
As you may or may not know there is a statue to Eric Morecambe on the front and I was surprised how many people pose to have their picture taken with it.I never found Eric and Ernie funny but a lot better than Reeves and Mortimer who are a very poor imitation and so untalented it makes me cringe to watch.Still it is a great statue.What was a surprise walking along was how many women looked like Les Dawson which is nice that they remember him.
We drove up through Arnside and stopped in Grange Over Sands before finishing for the day near Holker Hall which if you have never visited is a must.Helens favourite place.

Internet is still terrible with the average blip taking over 20 mins to load.Will catch up soon.

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