filling space
The next time someone indicates that they consider it odd that I like to eat oatcakes on their own I shall have to remember to point out that whilst some cereal-based food-things such as Ryvita are evidently destined by their oblong configuration to have some sort of slices of flavouring-substance such as a cheese applied to them (or nestled between them, especially when the shape of the thing to be nestled between them is so perfectly-sized that two slices of it exactly cover a piece of the cereal-based food-thing in question) the round oatcake is far less suited to having rectangular slices of cheese-type substances placed between it and another such round oatcake.
Doesn't apply to variable-shaped accessory-food-things such as pastes and congealments, though, but hopefully the obviousness of the argument above will blind the odd-considerer.
A bit of a wasted day today, what with shops not containing various items their websites quite clearly indicate that they have in stock. Also unfortunate that specific branches of some shops in a specific destination were pinpointed as being the branches with the various items in question. It is not a location famed for being particularly pleasant to have to spend any amount of time whatsoever in, particularly during the last couple of months of the year when aisles are narrowed to make more room for brightly-coloured shit. Also unfortunate that the unpleasance of the surroundings drove us to forfeit one film we had been planning to catch (and which is by now only showing at inconvenient times in a proper cinema) for another which started three-quarters of an hour earlier which turned out to be fairly ropey. Similarly unpleasant that some complete fucking idiots chose seats immediately in front and directly behind us, where the incessant popcorn-munching of the latter went particularly well with the absence of sound to our right ears for the first twenty minutes until the loose wire which had been making the adverts and trailers intermittently deafening to only half the auditory system reconnected itself, evidently not reconnecting itself due to one of the dull-witted staff noticing anything being up seeing as there were only about three on duty in the entire facility, though they spared one to trot in and distract everyone twenty minutes from the end with the little red light of his night-vision scope for detecting video-pirates (though only those too stupid to put their camera away when they saw him appear from the entrance and noticeably go about switching his technology on). It's not a cinema chain I expect very much from (except the occasional slightly longer run of film-showing than the proper, smaller cinemas are able to provide) and expect even less from this particular branch of it but they still failed.
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