cardbird chronicles

By cardbird

Millie the wonder-guard-companion-dog!

My father passed away a few weeks ago. When everyone had to leave to do their own thing, my Mother bravely decided to stay in the family home and face and battle on with her grief instead of running away from it.

Millie the dog (my sister's dog) is currently on loan to my Mother.

Millie is the distraction that it needed during this very lonely and painful time my Mother is going through. Millie gets her feet wiped when she comes in from doing 'her business', she sits and listens to my Mother chit-chatting away, observes her cleaning and hoovering and every morning when my Mother awakes, Millie is there with her head on the next pillow waiting eagerly for another day to look at the window and bark at the passers-by (especially the ones with dogs!).

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