Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

What am I?

Today I was like the Very Hungry Caterpillar - normally I'm always on the go and only have time for a cup of tea (my daily essential) and oh-a-banana-will-do scoffed down lunch. The way my meetings and support sessions played out today meant that I had time for some proper food and less cravings all day.

I finished up my day at group work. I used to do this group every week but asI've now got other projects on the go I only get to catch up with the fabulous little ones every so often. Tonight we were doing children's yoga so I got to be a stomping elephant in the jungle, a tip-toe-ing giraffe, and a snappy rolly-poley crocodile!

K., was highly bemused and bewildered when I got home and showed him my new moves :) I do have to say the stretches are a good alternative to physio and running plus a lot more fun too!

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