just sitting,

By justsitting

What a day.

Feigned a bit of man flu this morning to enable me to get a wee bit of a longer lie than usual. In our house I am usually awake first so generally just get up. But it is nice occasionally to get a wee lie in.

The weather was so crap today. It just tipped it down for hours. R and I got back from swimming and started lunch, and when A arrived at the back door if she hadn't been crying, it would have almost been a funny sight. She was covered head to toe in mud, and was completely soaked. I think with her being on the tag-along the mud and water had just been flying straight off E's wheel and all over poor wee A. She was right as rain ( :-)) after a quick shower.

We all then had to get to Waverley to get the train through to Glasgow for a family meal to celebrate my mums birthday today and dads birthday on wednesday. We all got soaked again, even though we were all in full waterproofs.

This is the first day since giving up our car 8months ago that I have felt the need for one. But that is purely down to the extreme rainfall.

Lets hope the rain stops soon.

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