The Car That Winked

I swear this car winked at me :) I did a double take when I saw those springy plastic eye lashes stuck on the lights and had to wrestle with the dog to make him stop long enough for me to take a shot!!

Update on the fires. Firefighters worked all night and saved hundreds of homes, a truly heroic effort!! The fire is still burning but it has been contained! I've put a link there for anyone who is interested in the local paper's reportage of the fire.

Toto is settling in really well and doesnt wake up during the night now. He has had to be taught what a ball is and what to do with a rubber chicken, poor guy has had no experience with toys :(

We're off to the vet tomorrow for an immunization shot (he's had none in his life except for his first puppy shots) a complete check over and a bit of a discussion about desexing:( and whether that will stop him cocking his leg on everything! All in all he is a beautiful fellow, very affectionate and so sweet and definitely my shadow!!

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