Getting the hay in

It's 10.10pm, we haven't long got in from getting the hay in the shed. What a mammoth effort. We started at 4pm, I drove a tractor with a trailer, Farmerboy drove the other tractor and trailer, while T drove the ute with the smaller trailer. C got the cows in to milk for our worker, and did other jobs to help her. So all in all it was a team effort.

At times the sky came over very dark and cloudy. We prayed it wouldn't rain until we had finished, and our prayers were answered. In fact looking at the sky when we got home, I'd be surprised that it even rains tomorrow.

So that's the first lot of hay done. The second lot is being cut on Sunday, weather dependent of course. It's a never ending job.

Time for some tea, and then bed. It's been another busy day.

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