Turns out, this was the most exciting thing that happened to me today. Jealous?

Totally felt like a Monday today and I cherished that first cup of coffee . . . as well as the 4 that followed. Glad I grabbed a shot of it, because I didn't get my camera out any other time today. Daily blogging has taught me that sometimes it's the *seemingly* insignificant moments or pieces of my day that end up being the star of my day, or at the very least, the only thing I felt worth picking up my camera for. I did get some editing of our exploration of Little Mountain last Saturday done while little man was in school. Brought back good memories of our little day trip.

Went backwards on his allergy shot treatment today because of a reaction he had to his dose on Friday. Two steps/doses/shots backward to play it safe. First experience with this protocol and I'm a bit bummed. He's taking it all in stride and I don't think he even realized the set-back. Grandma surprised us at the appointment which was a nice treat.

My Body Pump class was awesome tonight with great energy from the participants and tons of challenges for our muscles with this new release.

Monday is done, in the books, ready for Tuesday. :)

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