A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Over the Forth

This is quite possibly my favourite photo! I love the way it looks old despite it only being taken today! I've spent far too long editing it on my computer when I should be doing uni work but hey, everyone needs a break!

I must admit, I am not a huge fan of editing photos. I am not confident doing it and normally leave my photos as they are when uploading them but today the boredom took over!

Rory kindly gave me a lift up to Edinburgh this morning so I could once again avoid the horrible X95 journey (although sadly have to do it again this weekend). I love being able to say goodbye to Rory at the train station rather than the night before as we leave for our separate houses to sleep.

I've been attempting uni reading about Berger and Luckmann's social interaction theory for hours and making very little progress. The font is too small and it's making my head hurt so it won't be long before I call it a night. Tomorrow is my busy day of the week, 4 hours of lectures and tutorials, I have a run planned and my food shop is being delivered so an early bed sounds like a great plan to me!

I downloaded a pedometer app yesterday and I've been competing against my step count from yesterday but have not achieved it! But I shall beat it tomorrow...it's weird having a competition with yourself but it motivates you to stay fit!

8,303 steps (with no intention to move again tonight!)

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