Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hello Coop...

It's been snowing all day, which has brought large numbers of birds to the feeders ... and where feeder birds go, so go the predator birds. As I write this, we've seen the Cooper's Hawk 4 times today, including this close look as he perched on the cherry tree outside the window. No luck yet with his hunting, but he's not given up. We also had a visit by a red-tailed hawk, but he was quickly chased off by the crows. For some reason, they don't chase the Coopers or Sharp-shinned hawks.

The forecasted 1-3 inches of snow is already more than 6 inches - once again The Weather Channel has missed the mark. Should clear out tonight though, and our friends, Kathleen and Mike, should be able to catch their flight back to Seattle. And speaking of Seattle ... how about those Seattle Seahawks, Super Bowl Champions?! That was some game - seemed like the Broncos just never found their groove while the Seahawks were definitely in it to win it.

If you'd like to see some other snowy birds, I've posted 7 starting HERE on Flickr. Photo # 7 is the Gang of Eleven plus some bonus turkeys. Yes, the Gang showed up this morning with a smaller group of 4 toms in hot pursuit. While the Gang scrabbled around for corn, the toms practiced their full displays. Very funny to watch.

Planning a fritatta for dinner tonight - easy and tasty and a perfect solution to a snowy night. A little wine...good friends...who could ask for more?

Happy Monday, people.


Post Script: For some who may be wondering about the colors of this hawk, he's a juvenile and hasn't gotten his trademark red eyes and dark grayish back yet.

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