twinned with trumpton


G & T

Sunday; action packed but without anything exciting happening.

Slow start, boys up, TV, breakfast, dressed, toast, packed up.

Left 1030 and went to pick the rest up; they weren't ready so we trooped in, played with Crescent. Then off out.

Pets at Home for cat litter, and it's a de facto zoo visit; kids peering on at degu, gerbil, hamster, fish. Spent at least half an hour there.

Then Ikea; lunch first. Then ideas for G room, a picture frame for the print I bought on Thursday; another light for the living room and a soft toy for each of G, T and A. They predictably charged around, flumping onto beds, pretending to be the perfect nuclear family, all on sofas, watching imaginary TV shows, eating imaginary meals in the kitchens. But colour scheme for bedrooms now sorted, bed frame identified, curtain options assessed.

Then Asda; I had kids whilst she did the shopping; we found the last 15 minutes of Despicable Me 2 on a TV in front of a sofa; so easy 15 minutes of child care. Alex was sooo sweet, he was in the middle next to a woman, Tom crushed into the corner and G on the arm of the sofa. 10 minutes in, Alex stood up, looked at G and said you have my seat, it's your turn now....

We found a photo booth and this shot is one of 20 of them posing like teenagers do; Tom aloof and cool, G all excited, happy, vibrant.

Then 15 minutes in the toy aisle and then back to theirs to unload, cup of tea, screw a towel rail back up and then deposited them back at 5.

Home to peace; did 3 hours OT, then soup and a lovely hour deconstruction of the day from our respective sofas by phone.

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