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By skiesnsunsets

Kite surfing

Usually we have the surfers braving the waves, but today it was a lone kite surfer doing jumps as the tide came in. The clouds have been ever changing today with lots of high cirrus. It's rather windy but the windows are all messed up again from the salt spray so I braved opening one to take the blip.

His nibs is off at meetings again all week. It's always a bit hectic just before he goes. Lots of last minute panics and things that should have been done yesterday. We thought he was being put up in a hotel, but he's just rung me to say he's arrived at the hotel and he's found he's not booked into the hotel but going to stay in someone's house. It would be the one and only time he didn't pack a towel! Hope they have spares or we'll end up with him buying one we don't need. Anyway, I'm glad to hear he got there safely and I'm sure he'll be blessed by the meetings and by the folks who are attending.

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