Pink's photos

By PinkTransit


How do you define family?

In a very literal sense, I had a fairly small family. To start with, there was my parents, myself, my elder and my younger sister.
Then we started adding to that. A husband for me, one for my sister. Children for both of us. Then ex husbands, and their new wives/partners and children. Siblings for ours. Then our children had friends that were so close that they become family - as do their parents.
Mum and Dad become Nana and Grumpy. Lynne and Debbie change from daughter to mum. Then mum to mummy Lynne or mummy Debbie to our childrens friends and siblings.
The love is shared and equal, and this picture shows two people who are technically unrelated - but both a hugely loved part of our family.
I'm also lucky enough to have a grandfather, great uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin's family.... it just keeps on growing.
I love the way that love grows as the family grows.

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