Just the Withers......

By JaneW


The sun ... It came out ... I rushed naked into the light and span and skipped all skittish like a kitten fresh from the litter tray ...
Maybe not the naked bit ... I had a few thermals on ...and my waterproof trousers ...
I actually got out of bed at 9.30 and demanded that sloth like pudding Tits McGee join me .. Which she did ...
Right listen to this ... Tits McGee has the only working breed dog in the world who HATES walking ... She has a cocker spaniel that LOATHES being outside unless it's for a quick toilet visit .. All he wants to do is sit on your lap.... Have you ever ever heard such a thing ? If the front door opens he runs off in the other direction lest it's to do with exercise !!!
Lucy spent the afternoon with her crazy pal Rosie.. They get on so well because they are both a sandwich short of a picnic .. Also they walked to the sweet shop and brought their body weight in sugar ..that's a good Sunday isn't it x

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