
By Beagledad

I want to be left alone!

(Greta Garbo)Grace decided that going out for a walk wasn't for her this morning. She sat down when I tried to get her coat on and then pretended her legs weren't working. This is her after 10 minutes where we've left the room got our shoes and coats on, got the coats and leads on the other hounds and I've retreived my camera. Locked rigid pretending she's invisible!
However, the weather being quite capricious decided the moment of departure was marked by a deluge of nearly biblical proportions, the mini wolf pack looked at me, I looked at the wife, we decoated and put the dogs back to bed whilst we toddled off for breakfast, now free of canine restrictions, to a lovely organic hostelry.
Of course as soon as we arrived we were met with dazzling sunshine, capricious weather indeed.
(We did get a warm dry walk later in the afternoon on the beach).

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