Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Train Sale.

We got up early and went to a Train and Toy sale at Barry Leisure centre. It was full of excited boys men with a few women looking bored to tears. J bought a coach, level crossing, scenic scatter,three open wagons, hedging and a loco shed. He was so excited. I did go along to do the bartering, and even if i do say so myself, i did well.We didn't pay the full price for anything. J is very pleased with his purchases. The good news is ,we have a list of future train sales to go to all over the country. I was hoping to get a better blip than this, but some of the stall holders didn't look to happy at me taking photos. In fact i didn't see anyone else with a camera.When we got home i went to put my washing on the line and when i went to pull the line up the cord broke and my washing was on the lawn. J came to the rescue and replaced it for me ( he does have his uses ) . Washing is now dry and there is one happy chappy playing with his train. Result.

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