
By nybblets


Day 33 was always going to be about the long players but I have some dififuclty with that. My work bench doubles as my studio under normal conditions but today it is covered with umpteen pieces of spinning wheel, which have just been coated in Danish Oil and left to dry. It would be nice to think that our new wheel comprises 33 parts, but I am neither going to lie nor take the trouble to count them.

Today is World Wetlands Day - we're keeping up with the times then, here on our wee island.

After January provided us with 207 mm of rain, the last couple of days have seen the sea inundating the garden twice daily. Our winter pond grows daily bigger. No need for sandbags just yet - our house is a whopping five metres above sea level. Oh, help!

I'm hoping that the otters will take up residence soon.

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