
By Nigel


Love Cult's Know EP as the last thing I bought from Piccadilly Records. Whilst the other two were bought on the basis of knowing what they were when browsing through and pickng them out this was atotal unknown. I read the new release reviews in the drone/ambient section and decided to go for this. Not sure I am wholly impressed, though I might have been ten or fifteen years ago. A bit random and structureless, like the bad bits of Autechre without the interesting sounds.

I was awoken at 5AM by Jen getting ready to leave and couldn't get back to sleep again. So it was a very long day. I did some prototype work on a city dashboard project that I am going to be working on, had a huge bereakfast, a bath and still made it to work by 8:15. Though by midday I was feeling a bit like I had been up so long I was due some wine.

Evening was very quiet, spoke to Jen on the phone, she slept the whole of the flight (I do envy her ability to deal with random sleep patterns quite easily) and seemed to have had a reasonably good day's training.

Leftover goat for dinner then bed.

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