Resonate - for fun

By Generate13

Share happiness or go home

This bottle says it right. Share happiness or go home.

I failed the 100happydays challenge. Ops. This week had been pretty tough in terms of back pain that spread whenever I moved. Couldn't get a doctors appointment for no love of trying even weeks in advance. By Tuesday it had made me grumpy by Wednesday I struggled to hold the tears back as I did simple things such as my hair or picking up my bag. But thankfully by Friday (today) it had eased off and I managed to do 20 minutes cardio at the gym.

My boss offered me overtime for the weekend... And I turned it down... I'm not sure if its just me but I do need my weekend and especially after covering up my pain at work all week. I just don't feel I'm that in love with money compared to other people at work that are reasonably well off but will jump at the chance of overtime. I know I'm saving for a house deposit so maybe next time... January I managed to save my target easily so I'm happy about that :)

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