Lil' Bird

One of my lesser known "talents" is that I know how to sew. In fact my husband didn't even know I knew how to sew until after we'd been married and had the baby. I had wanted to make a baby quilt, and I convinced him to get me a sewing machine by promising to make homemade Halloween costumes for, well, basically the rest of our daughter's life.

We've called my daughter "Little Bird" since her birth, when we noticed she made the sweetest cooing sounds. Well, this year she told me back in early September that she wanted to be a little bird for Halloween. I searched everywhere for patterns. I finally found one for a parrot that I could modify, but when I tallied up all the materials and notions required, it was going to cost over $65...not to mention all the time and hair-pulling on my part. I even tried to talk her into being something that would be an easier/less expensive costume. She wouldn't have any of it.

After googling "homemade bird costume" I got some ideas. It turns out I didn't have to sew this year, but I did have to do lots of creative glue-gunning (if I may use that as a verb). And today was the first of several Halloween parties, so I wanted to capture this before all the feathers come unglued. Even though there's not one inch of thread holding this getup together, Mr DH thinks this is the best costume yet, and I still get to keep the sewing machine :)


Edit: Not sure why the EXIF reads 15". Shutter speed was 1/640".

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