Photography day

This might seem a strange choice of blip but I spent the day at Leeds Innovation Centre on a photography experience that was a birthday present last year.

The day got off to an inauspicious start when I got lost and turned up late! Settled down and we had an hour or so talking about aperture etc. I did pick up a few useful tips about my camera, which after nearly three years I probably should have known! However it also made me realise that I have learnt a lot because the majority of the attendees were complete novices.

We ventured out into the grounds and took lots of shots using different apertures to change the depth of field, then headed across to a local park. All was going well until my new memory card decided to fail - the camera said there was no card in and no matter what I did, and what the course leader did, it wasn't having any of it. So I had to hot foot it back to the classroom to get my old card! And in the meantime lost loads of pictures!

The afternoon was spent talking about shutter speeds and ISO and then we went back outside with a football and spent ages taking shots of the ball bouncing against a wall using different settings. The course leader had to do a bit of explaining when a security guard and a lady from the M&S Archive Centre came out to find out why we were using their wall! She did eventually go away a bit bemused but happier that she knew we weren't trying to cause damage!

Came away with a few useful tips, the knowledge that my ultimate dream is a full frame camera, and very few decent shots! Time to start experimenting with my settings again and challenging myself I think.

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