Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

That time of year again.


Yes, Hallowe'en is upon us. For most people, this involves dressing up and going out to the pub or taking their kids trick or treating etc. For me though, it's a whole different celebration. Some of you will remember me mentioning Beltane back in April. Well 6 months on and the year has turned to Samhuinn, an ancient celtic traditon where communities would gather together for one final time before the winter set in, some would survive the winter, others would not. It was their New Year. It was also believed to be a time when the veil between the living world and that of those who have passed on was at it's thinnest, a time to remember those who have died and to say goodbyes but they also believe mischeivious and malevolent spirits could also come through to this world. Masks were worn to avoid unwanted attention and it's what the modern day "Hallowe'en" was based on.

In Edinburgh, the Beltane Fire Society put on a show on the Royal Mile and Parliament Square based on the old Goloshen Plays. It shows the fight between Summer and Winter with the King of Winter ultimately winning and the powerful goddess the Cailleach will take him as her husband for the winter. I'm helping the lovely Kat who is playing the Cailleach, get ready this year so she came over for some help with her hair.

It was then off out to a friend's Halloween party where I spied this little pumpkin full of bubbles.

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