Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Moving mayhem


It's just 9 days until we get the keys to the new flat and I'd forgotten how much there was still to do. Things are slowly being packed, my new hypo-allergenic bedding has been ordered, energy suppliers have been investigated and I now have a vague "moving plan" which is actually just my "to do" list that was as long as my arm but put into an order of what's to be done on which day.

It's the first time I've had to properly move. When I came to Edinburgh I came as a student with just an estate car full of stuff. When I moved a year later I'd been staying in a tiny room for a lot of the time so hadn't collected much stuff and it was only round the corner so a lot of it was moved over the space of a week with lots of short trips. I've now lived here 6 years, collected a lot of stuff and The Boy has all his stuff to move as well. I've also never had to think about buying furniture, chosing utility suppliers or sorting buildings insurance. It's exciting and terrifying in equal parts. Maybe this means I'm a proper grown up now?

This photo has no relevance to today other than I've been so busy it was a last minute blip of the first thing that came to hand.

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