
I've had this camera just over a year now. It's a good camera for what it is and I think I've become reasonably adept at using it. I bought it mainly for gigs as I was fed up of the Minx's iPhone showing up the photographic capabilities of the 'phone I had at the time.

I still don't think I've quite got the hang of it, though, not least because I still don't understand what the aperture does or, rather, how it relates to focus. But I do manage to take the pictures I want to take, for the most part, and I have learnt to take photos in low light, like this one, which is great for gigs.

Amidst all this attention to how things look, I've noticed over the last six months that I'm beginning to struggle with small print. I suppose at forty-seven, this isn't that surprising. although it's still a bit deflating. I'm also worrying a bit about my hearing, not because I think I'm going deaf but because the people around me have started joking that I am. That's the first sign, right?

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