
By Mates

Back to college.

I spent the morning drawing a new strip but didn't like it - man, I am rusty as heck - so here's one from the college years (about Oct 1998). An AOL joke! When I was in grad school the Internet was just becoming a "thing," and AOL cds hadn't yet turned into landfill fodder. Back to the crudeness of the strip, and how every little corner is crammed with detail - but TELL me I didn't nail Tad's pose in that chair. I couldn't do that now.

The second one's an easy joke, and the outcome of my first gay PRIDE meeting at Illinois State - there a professor gave a talk on the possible genetic causes of being gay, and this blew my mind. That we might actually be normal? This had never occurred to me - but as said professor immediately pointed out, things being genetic never stopped people from discriminating.

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