Stealth Badger

By StealthBadger

Open Door

Well, my friend Mike is a Dad, Amelia is almost 5lb 1. Past that I know nothing. I got a text saying 2.31Kg but trust me; for Mike thats a novel. He is a man of few letters in his texts. I've tried calling him but (for obvious reasons) he is maintaining radio silence.

As for me...?

Ostiopath with my friend Mandy to get clicked back into a straight line by Vadim who is just fab and does Russian wrestling ( and is just the nicest guy to boot. Then a run back to Hambletown, finished my friends wedding invitations off (she doesn't get married till 29/12!) and then spent 3 hours tattooing an american who decided he needed a tattoo less than two weeks before he emigrates back there when we are booked solid for a month or so... I need to learn how to say no... or stop moaning hehehe!

So, home for tea made by Neil (yum!) and took the collie pup we have recently aquired out to chase a ball for a bit.

So I did go outside some and took some pics to prove it! This was the most interesting though. Took some of the dogs charging about but they move too fast and were all blurry (and furry).

This is a wee door in hamilton. I walked past it on my way to pick up stuff for the invites and thought it looked inviting in a hope-you-don't-get-stabbed-for-trying kind of way. I don;t think the door was supposed to be open... maybe this is an omen about Mikes baby...


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