Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Plagiarism, Nostalgia, Regrets; Combined.

Another blippers thumbnail niggled at me; that insidious little itch with a "B" that wont leave well enough alone...
And then made its presence felt, like a boil on a brides face, neither subtly nor sweetly....
Perhaps its the threatening loom of All Saints Day, spurring rememberings of not-so-much of what we keep, but also what we have forgotten, or dont wish to recall...
Both my parents (as seen in the foreground, centre, on their wedding day) died within a fortnight of this auspicious date, but with years between.
The Old Man, when I was 8 years old.
The Old Lady, when I was 20.
The regrets are many, multiplied in hindsight, but truly, the greatest is that-
Neither The Oul Fella, nor The Lady, were with us to welcome The Princess to this world, or spoil her at Christmas, or beam, toothless and proud, at this Golden Childs First Communion, and tell her how much naughtier her Oul Fella was when he was her age....
I remember you now, on this Samhain Eve.
Ar Dheis De go bhfuil tu.

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