
Met a really nice lady while on my blip walk at lunch time. I was just crossing the bridge when she spotted my camera & said "there are otters at the caul, she has two young, I saw them earlier." I thanked her very much as I did not know that, it made my day. So you will be getting lots more river shots till I get a good capture of the otter's.

Went to the asthma clinic today, she said I am doing fine just to keep doing what I am doing & if I don't improve in a month or so they will change my inhalers. She gave me my flu jag to, my arm is all swollen & red now.

My line manager decided to lay down a few more rules today about time keeping. So from this day forward I will go back to my time keeping of being on time or early. No more of her sloppy time keeping, that way she cant tell me off for being 5 minutes late, or going for my lunch on time.

Hope you have a great weekend :0)

Shona :0)x

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