
By cowgirl

A new cushion

Looks like somebody's enjoying the new cushion then! Unfortunately for Arfa, he's sleeping in my seat and had to be moved after this shot was taken. Have no fear tho, dear reader, as he is now on his favourite lap, stretched out fast asleep as if the trauma of being roused and moved had never happened.

As it's blowing a hoolie and the promised rain has arrived, we're having an uber lazy Saturday, both of us now in our usual sofa positions, hence Arfa is able to snuggle on Sav's lap. Funny how each cat has a preference to which of us ' belongs ' to them, considering it was me that really began the connection with them, as Sav was away a lot around the time they began to move in. I'll never forget Arfa's face when he met Sav for the first time, after we'd been alone together all week!! He almost did a whoopsie on the carpet!! Now they're bosom buddies and Arfa finds me a bit dull as I tire of chasing him around in the mornings whereas he and Sav are pretty much after each other all the time!

Shadow and I are much more refined. He almost never sits on my knee, but has improved a hundred fold on the tetchy, growly, difficult to handle boy he was two years ago. He changed quite dramatically a year ago when he came off worse in a fight and became dependant on me to help him to eat and go outside ( he will not use a litter tray ) for a month or so. Plus, we've discovered he goes crazy for the cat treats ' Dreamies ', enabling me to teach him the patience to be groomed. You still have to know your quota of allowed times to stroke him tho, and you wouldn't mess with him, not like we do with Arfa, who puts up with all manner of teasing and cuddling ( nothing nasty of course, we love him to bits! ).

Anyhow - back to the cushion!! Pickleberry Jan is a very creative lady and I saw her post pictures on Facebook of owl cushions that she had made for her grand daughters. I remarked that she should be selling them in the shop and that they would make good house warming presents. Yesterday Sav suggested we go for a Pickleberry coffee ( he'd seen the picture of a Victoria Sponge that was on offer there on Facebook! ) and as we left, Jan gave me " a house warming present ".

I've already bought a few little things for the new house ( should we ever get to move there! ) but I've put them away til we actually move in. This cushion is already on the sofa with us now. I see it as a promise of things to come!

Things to look forward to today;
Rock ( listening to Planet Rock of course! )
Rugby ( yay for 6 Nations coverage beginning today! )
Roast dinner ( we're not very traditional in any respect in this house and any day is fair game for a roast ).

Sorry for waffling on so much. Well done to anyone who's made it to the end!

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