a town called E.

By Eej

Obviously NOT a squirrel

It's a peacock. I'm quite sure.

Anyway, I've had beer and at this point even 2 will make me ditzier than a very ditzy thing and I wasn't going to Blip a squizzel again, but yesterday my sister said my squizzels make her feel a bit better and how she needs that so I thought that she is more important than any of the 223 subscribers I might lose over another furry Blip, so there. Oh, but it isn't a squirrel, it's a peacock. Anyway, hope it helps K.!

In other news: Happy year of the horse! Seeing how both me and the Beloved are horses I shall assume this year will be the one where ALL our dreams will be fulfilled and set my goals accordingly. It will be legenwaitforitdary.

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