
'Lumos', ....I said to myself as I walked through the creaking heavy red oak door in Gloucester cathedral. Hubs used to go to school here and had said the lights were behind the door.

Not only tampering with the lights , they must have wondered who it was who was moving the cafe and toilets sign out of the middle of the cloister!

No end to spells and incantations used in these corridors of power in Harry Potter and I did rather feel like professor McGonagall as a couple sauntered into shot totally unaware of the camera. 'Locomotor Mortis' I thought wanting to brandish a wand with a flourish, then 'Stupefy' - 'I've always wanted to use that curse', McGonagall said. Oh yes, with her on that one! How tempting to use 'Immobilus' on the group of tourists as I was counting down with mirror up!

What would my Patronus be? Thinking about my blips and my constant delight watching the roe deer in the field in front of the house every day, then possibly a deer but who does that remind you of? Lily Potter had a doe so maybe I should go with a subject also close to my heart a butterfly.

My favourite spell would have to be 'Avifors' which turns small objects into birds and 'Avis', which would make birds launch out of my wand - if I had one! So handy for blips you have to admit in the weather we are having at present!

If you are worried by all this 'Finite Incantartem' will do the trick and reverse any spells that you may have secretly tried out - all will be well :)) Nox

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