Deens Furniture

Today I have rocked down to Electric Avenue.......

Meeting in Brixton where we didn't have tea or coffee but we did sample cakes from the Bad Boy's Bakery and meet a couple of the guys who bake them. I cannot begin to describe how divine the cakes are. I recommend the Lemon Treacle Slice and the Chocolate Brownie. Try either and you'll get thank you letters from your taste buds. The website shows where their products can be purchased.

It's a mile from the train station to the establishment and I walked both ways so I expect my knee will ache tomorrow but it was a lovely stroll. Because I was on public transport I couldn't take my camera (I leave it in the car when I'm driving) and it's a great shame as there are loads of blips available Brixton. Deen sells second-hand furniture and when I passed on the way back it was piled up on the pavement and covered with a large tarpaulin sheet as rain threatened. Look at this shot in large and you'll see the green badminton racket and all the notices and, perhaps, you'll be able to explain the guitar - I know that I can't. But I'm also happy for it to remain a mystery - it's enough that it's there. Meeting ran long and I was using trains so I didn't get back to my car until late and then hit the rush hour through town so all up it's been a long day but well worth it.

Friday and threats of more flooding. My advice, should you feel you need it, is to stay indoors with a cold one and keep your feet dry.

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