Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB



I have had a fascinating day, I was asked by a colleague to call a lady who wanted an estimation for a petite fermette. It turned out to be a RATHER LARGE 'corps de ferme'. A fairly untouched big 3 storey farmhouse with attached smaller house. For me I loved it at first sight. This was one of the many fascinating details within the house. In many larger properties there is a 'chambre de bon' on the first floor. A room which could be let out or given to travellers, or in this case, probably where the live in help would stay. This 'peep hole' was at the rear wooden wall of the room and not only was there this one at adult head height, but there was another at a lower 'child' height! for spying on 'le bon'! imagine that! 18th century surveillance!!! The property also had an outside loo which had two wooden seats. A communal toilet! Only the second one I have seen whilst doing this job. I've never seen a peephole before though...

Had a good thorough look around and will be returning with a colleague next week to get our heads around this large farm complex. This afternoon I took on another slightly more up to date property. I am fairly exhausted by my first full week and will be having the weekend off!

Oh and a previous client wants to buy 6 more photos for their website! so all in all, an excellent day!

It's Friday!! Bon weekend!

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