What a grey, wet day! Started the day playing golf. We investigated the 9 hole course five minutes from the house. It would be ok for a quick knock around but not one we'd really want to play again. The rain wasn't supposed to start until mid-day but it was early and caught us half way round. It was freezing and the rain was nearly hail. The hot chocolate helped to warm us up afterwards.

The rest of the day has been cold and wet so I decided to blip the basket by my front door which offers some welcome colour.

Do you have monsters in your cupboards? ie things you have to do that grow bigger and get scary if you don't get round to them? They become the obstacle in the way of doing them and then start to put pressure on elsewhere. Sometimes when you do get round to them you wonder why you let them get so out of proportion. I have a few of those monsters at the moment but thankfully two of the big ones have been disposed of this week and I feel so much better for it. One required a knight in shining armor to come to my rescue (well, the "person to the rescue" bit is true but the other is in my dream!) A productive afternoon at my desk! Hopefully more monsters can be disposed of over the next few days.

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