A Bit of Light Reading

The end is in sight for our building work! The installers are probably taking a well-earned weekend break, after working through till about 5pm yesterday in the dark and snow to try to make sure there was as little open to the elements as possible. This means that they should return on Monday to complete.
I had intended to go out today, but once the rain set in again, the will wasn't there, so I've been doing some reading. Slime Moulds are traditionally looked after by us mycologists, although they are not fungi, and really belong to their own little kingdom. However, they are fascinating organisms with a unique life cycle in the realm of living things. Despite the name, they can be quite beautiful when seen up close. I can ID a few on sight, but only that. I decided I would try and learn more about them, and tracked down this book - there is not a great variety of texts available. This one seems quite a straightforward read, but is inevitably quite difficult for someone who, despite my interest in wildlife, doesn't have to much as a biology O Level. I have to keep looking up words, and even then, I don't always understand the definition. Still, if I'm going to attempt to ID them for our woodland project, then I need to understand as much about them as possible.

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