
By Purplepants

Book group meeting

.. well, some of the people - 3/7
By the time I remembered and talked them in to being photographed for my blip it was pretty late and we were all somewhat the worse for several bottles of wine a tad tipsy. I grabbed iPhone and took a few snaps...
This one of (L to R) Bev, Bonnie and Deb captured the sprit of our evening. the rest made us look very drunk/quite mad or were hopelessly blurred, so others will have to wait until a future meeting (when I shall try to use the camera and do it before drinking earlier in the evening.

Lots of pizza noshing and quite a lot (under the circumstances!) of discussions about books!

Fred arrived home as we were in full swing and joined in for a little while by showing around the holiday photos from Lewis and Harris that we took last summer on his iPad. (The book in question being The Black House by Peter May)
Alex had said hello and taken off to the computer room as people arrived.

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