Looking forward
Despite another atrocious day, wet for the third day in a row it's time to get things moving for the. hopefully, better weather of spring. So I rebuilt a set of shelves which we'd used in the past then dismantled until a new use could be found. Their new use is in the shed at the allotment. Meanwhile they'll serve as a shelf for chitting the potatoes.
We've got Arran Pilot for earlies, that's what my Dad always grew in his garden and at his work. Then Cara and Lady Balfour for main crop. I got out the electric propagator ready to sow tomatoes and summer cabbage. I'll also sow a few chillies and try to germinate some parsnips between 2 sheets of kitchen roll prior to moving them into sections of toilet roll filled with seed compost when the little white roots have just begun to show. This was a tip picked up from Terry Walton's Allotment book as parsnips are notoriously difficult to germinate and, being a root vegetable, they don't withstand transplanting. See the aliens grown last year!
A good swim earlier and a so so session with physio at the hospital. My knee seems not to be making any progress. No pain, no reaction to physio but laking mobility and flexibility. Tried some new exercises designed to encourage it to bend fully, but something is still stopping it.
I wonder if it'll be dry tomorrow? The rivers will be up again, Yalding was threatened with floods - that was the village that made the national news over Christmas.
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