Filthy screws, Filthy Screws!
I cant believe I have to spend TEN YEARS on this ROCK
Ok. I was going through the MANY pictures I took today at Burnt Bridge Trail and trying to decide what my blip would be. Some had wonderful aspects but there was something wrong, A great view of some agastache brown for the winter but highlighted by the flash and looking like a tree in its own right. fantastic clouds behind it, but also powerlines as the walk is a greenway underneath the big cross country power grid. Sigh.. Rare snag of some Bufflehead ducks but moving too fast for this camera to get a decent image. An Anna's Hummingbird sitting at the top of a tree. Just a bit too far and the light not quite strong enough to show his colors. A tree twisted by life and fortune, again with fantastical clouds and fine lighting, but his time can come again. I know where he lives. But as I was going through the days take my honey spoke the magic words that had me nearly in tears and once again pleased that I keep up on my Kegel exercises. In the breathy squeaky sound he uses as the voice for many small creatures, " I can't believe I have to spend 10 years on this ROCK." Your blip was chosen for you.
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